Logo GoldFluvium

We collaborate with companies and public institutions, ensuring the quality of their products, process innovation and implementation of industrial projects.


Who we are

years of experience

completed projects


GoldFluvium is a company of national and international character, with an experience of more than 25 years, whose main objective is to collaborate with companies and public institutions in order to guarantee the quality of their products, innovate their processes and implement their projects.

We have specialised employees in the industrial and environmental areas, thus helping in the development of new concepts of engineering projects, through analysis, creation and presentation of solutions for your ideas.

It has a quality policy that is guided by the search for excellence in its field of activity and its main objectives are to comply with good professional practices in order to ensure the quality of results and services

Areas of activity

We operate in different sectors and industrial activities.



In the industrial area we collaborate in the development of new engineering project concepts, namely in their implementation and licensing.



We carry out environmental audits, environmental impact studies, environmental incidence studies, environmental management plans and strategic environmental assessment.

Recursos Geológicos

Geological resources

We implement solutions for the rational management of geological resources, namely prospection and exploration plans, economic evaluation and also modelling of oil and gas reservoirs.



We carry out projects for water treatment, coastal erosion, assessment of the productive potential of catchments, delimitation of protection perimeters for public catchments.

Constant improvement of the activities developed

Our services


Supervision of works on dams and mini hydroelectric plants
River basin management works
Supervision of the implementation of renewable energy projects


Excavation and modelling projects
Exploration and research plans
Projects of slope stability
Geotechnical risk assessment
Geological and geotechnical characterisation

Spatial Planning

Territorial management instruments
Mapping of nature conservation areas / natural resources areas

Safety and Hygiene at Work

Health and safety plans
Emergency plans
Signposting and circulation plans
Thermal comfort
Occupational dust
Noise at work


CE Marking
Product certification
ISO 9001 Certification
ISO 14001 Certification
ohsas 18001 certification
ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation


Air quality
Sound Environment
Water resources
Coastal erosion


Carrying out topographic surveys
Analysing documents and cartographic information, interpreting terrestrial photos, aerial photos
Drawing up cartographic documents

Landfill / Waste

Landfill development and planning and decommissioning
Projects and licensing of sorting plants and RC&D landfills
Assessment of the environmental and social impacts of landfills

Mining and oilfields

Ploughing plan
Exploration feasibility study
Plans for the closure of the holding
Environmental and landscape recovery plan
Petroleum geophysics.

Climate change already affects the world in different ways, depending on the region.
In addition to loss of biodiversity, forest fires, higher temperatures, rising water levels and greenhouse gases, they also impact human health.


Avenida Almirante Cândido dos Reis, Nº 1 - 1F
2040-322 Rio Maior

+351 918 731 220
+351 966 500 159



Put your questions.
We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

Experience in the market.

Quality of services

Specialised technicians

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